Azhurel's Spore Universe Wikia

The Nuzzlebee are a sentient species who were historically known for their cute appearance and soft & squishy body. Recently there have been huge movements in their communities to stand up for themselves and stop allowing themselves to be owned or used & abused by other species. This has led to a surge in Nuzzlebee violence against other species, primarily those wealthy or powerful enough to be able to afford a Nuzzlebee servant, or in better cases, bribe one to befriend them. The Nuzzlebee are now a symbol of perseverance & revolution, which is a far cry from the cuddle-buddy status they had less than a decade prior.


Sadly for the Nuzzlebee, their appealing appearance did not lead to a prosperous life as many of them were traded, exported to other planets & sold as “cuddle servants”. Although, there were Nuzzlebee cities and communities that obviously didn’t have to deal with that oppression, those who lived in areas where they were the minority did face challenges. This all changed when Ryan Fuz led a powerful army of Nuzzlebee to travel planet to planet and free the servants and often kill their owners. There is still unrest to this day, and Ryan is still searching for Nuzzlebees to rescue, but he has certainly toned down on the aggression, and now lives his life giving speeches and peacefully rallying, although other smaller factions that agreed with his ideology have not toned down the violence at all, at the dismay of many Nuzzlebees today who want all of the violence to end.

Famous Examples[]

Ryan Fuz is easily the most famous Nuzzlebee. He was hunted down by many powerful people, yet successfully led a rebel army of Nuzzlebee militia to take out many powerful people. He is viewed by most as a hero, but wealthy people & some outsider species tend to scoff at the name and look at his actions as barbaric, not really understanding or in some cases not caring about the struggle Nuzzlebee had previously.


The Nuzzlebee doesn’t have many abilities, and were relatively easy prey in pre-civilized days, before they began learning tool making. Personality wise though, they used to be super kind & bubbly species, but since that allowed them to be taken advantage of, Post-Fuz Nuzzlebee are a lot more cautious & cynical.

Link to Download Male[]

Link to Download Female[]
